
I was really excited to work with the amazing director Danielle Calodney on these series of commercials for the brand FOUND. I really enjoyed working on this project because FOUND is a weight loss program that emphasizes body acceptance and health over these unreasonable expectations that everyone is supposed to be rail-thin.

Whenever I work with a director on a treatment, I always like to start with the personal. How do you connect with this brand? Do you have any personal experience with this product or service? Like practically every woman on the planet, Danielle went through a period of time where she struggled with not feeling thin enough, until she eventually came up with a regime of eating and exercising that was rooted in feeling good instead of shaming and restricting. We got real and vulnerable in the pitch and ended up winning the bid. 

Using her signature humor and style, the spots look great and more importantly it’s helping to shift our culture away from toxic beauty standards and toward sustainable long term health.

Commercial Treatment Writer

Near Future
